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Germany", "t_update": 1734111285, "t_create": 1716496147, "ats_job_id": "300010273877265", "display_job_id": "23004", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "23004-en", "job_description": "Stellenbezeichnung: Office Manager (w/m/d) Referenznummer: 23004 Standort: Berlin Als Arcadianer*in hilfst du schon jetzt, global f\u00fchrende und nachhaltige Planungs- und Beratungsl\u00f6sungen f\u00fcr die nat\u00fcrliche und vom Menschen gestaltete Umwelt anzubieten. Du bist einer von 36.000 Menschen in \u00fcber 70 L\u00e4ndern, die sich f\u00fcr die Verbesserung der Lebensqualit\u00e4t einsetzen. Jede*r spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Gemeinsam k\u00f6nnen wir mit unserer Energie und unserem Teamgeist die komplexesten Herausforderungen der Welt l\u00f6sen und zusammen mehr bewirken. Rollenverantwortung: In der Funktion als Office Manager verantwortest du den Empfang, organisierst die administrativen Aufgaben f\u00fcr den Berlin Standort und betreust unsere externen Kunden. Dienstleistung ist f\u00fcr dich kein Fremdwort, denn du unterst\u00fctzt den Standortleiter sowie die Kolleg*innen und stellst die reibungslosen Abl\u00e4ufe der Standortverwaltungsprozesse sicher. G\u00e4steempfang, -bewirtung und -betreuung Organisation von kleineren internen Events Zentrale Kommunikationsschnittstelle eines Standortes Strukturierung und Durchf\u00fchrung des Bestell- und Einkaufsprozesses Koordinierung von externen Dienstleistern, z. B. Reparaturen, Reinigungsunternehmen Terminkoordination und B\u00fcromateriallagerhaltung Wareneingangskontrolle und Archivierung Unterst\u00fctzung H&S-Management (Health & Safety) am Standort Raumbuchungen Bestellung und Ausgabe von B\u00fcroartikeln und sonstigen B\u00fcrobedarfen Allgemeine Korrespondenz/Bearbeitung des Postein- und Postausganges Qualifikationen & Erfahrung: In erster Linie teilst du unsere Leidenschaft f\u00fcr die Verbesserung der Lebensqualit\u00e4t und f\u00fcr die Zufriedenheit unserer Kund*innen. Du bist stolz auf die Rolle, die du bei der Umgestaltung der Welt um dich herum spielst und verstehst die Bedeutung von Teamarbeit. Du hast erste Erfahrungen in einer Assistenz-Funktion gesammelt und bringst mit: Eine abgeschlossene kaufm\u00e4nnische Ausbildung, gerne Erfahrung im Hospitality-Bereich Gute Kenntnis der MS-Office-Anwendungen Spa\u00df am Umgang mit Menschen, Eigenschaften wie Freundlichkeit, Flexibilit\u00e4t, Belastbarkeit sowie Engagement Schnelle Auffassungsgabe, einen guten Gesamt\u00fcberblick sowie eine gut organisierte und strukturierte Arbeitsweise Zuverl\u00e4ssigkeit, Schnelligkeit und Eigeninitiative lie\u00dfende Deutschkenntnisse und gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift sind von Vorteil Setze deine berufliche Laufbahn als Arcadianer*in fort Wir k\u00f6nnen unsere Ziele nur erreichen, wenn jede*r Einzelne die M\u00f6glichkeit hat, sich optimal zu entfalten. Die Summe der individuellen Beitr\u00e4ge macht dann den Unterschied. Deshalb arbeiten wir mit einem kompetenzbasierten Ansatz, bei dem Du Deine einzigartige Erfahrung und Dein Fachwissen einbringen kannst, um Deine berufliche Laufbahn zu gestalten. So erzielen wir gemeinsam die gr\u00f6\u00dftm\u00f6gliche Wirkung. Unabh\u00e4ngig von Deiner Position leistest Du bei Arcadis sinnstiftende Arbeit und tr\u00e4gst dazu bei, nachhaltige L\u00f6sungen f\u00fcr einen lebenswerteren Planeten zu entwickeln. Setz ein Zeichen - f\u00fcr Deine Karriere, Deine Kolleg*innen, Deine Kund*innen, Dein Leben und die Welt um Dich herum. Mit vereinten Kr\u00e4ften schaffen wir ein nachhaltiges Verm\u00e4chtnis. Unser Engagement f\u00fcr Gleichberechtigung, Vielfalt, Inklusion und Zugeh\u00f6rigkeit Wir leben eine Unternehmenskultur der Offenheit, Inklusion und Wertsch\u00e4tzung und stellen so Chancengleichheit f\u00fcr alle Kandidat*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen sicher. Wir schaffen ein Umfeld, in dem Sie Ihr pers\u00f6nliches Potenzial bestm\u00f6glich entfalten k\u00f6nnen. \\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job title: Office Manager (w/m/d) Reference number: 23004 Location: Berlin Job title: Office Manager (w/m/d) Reference number: 23004 Location: Berlin As an Arcadian, you already help us deliver world-leading sustainable design, engineering, and consultancy solutions for natural and built assets. You are part of our global business comprising 36,000 people, in over 70 countries, dedicated to improving quality of life. Everyone has an important role to play. With the power of many curious minds, together we can continue to solve the world's most complex challenges and deliver more impact together. Role description: Workplace Operations Principal Coordinators are responsible for enabling and ensuring the delivery of the Workplace Promise & User Experience Standards through the delivery of quality-assured Workplace operational services to the designated group of offices. Workplace Operations Principal Coordinators manage the Arcadis Team and contractors within the assigned portfolio to deliver an exceptional workplace experience with high levels of user satisfaction. Accountable to the Workplace Operations Specialist / Workplace Operations Senior Specialist. Key Interfaces: Workplace Operations Specialist / Workplace Operations Senior Specialist Local & National Workplace Teams Arcadis Colleagues and guests Office Directors Supply chain local operational contacts Enabling services such as Procurement, Technology, Finance, ESG, SHEQ Landlord operational contacts Role responsibility: Key Accountabilities & Responsibilities: The Workplace Operations Principal Coordinator is responsible for managing a Workplace team and the supply chain and ensuring that all users of the designated workspaces receive a best-in-class experience. The role is responsible for ensuring the designated workspaces operate in line with User Experience Standards and Standard Operating Procedures and that all compliance requirements and Key Performance Indicators are met. Workplace Operations Coordinators play an important role in interfacing with Arcadis key contacts including enabling functions, to ensure an efficient and effective workplace service. Principal Accountabilities & Responsibilities: Ensure the delivery of workplace operations in line with the Workplace Promise, User Experience Standards, and Standard Operating Procedures. Effective delivery of all FM & workplace admin services across a designated portfolio including self-delivery as required. Provide coaching, support, and guidance to your team members. Financial monitoring and performance including budgeting, reporting, and managing variances and corrective actions. Performance reporting and KPI management across the allocated office portfolio. Support audit programs and owning non-conformities through to close-out. Management of local suppliers to ensure all work is carried out to job and contract requirements, and Arcadis standards. Delivery against the agreed H&S, quality, Sustainability, and security requirements including interfacing & building relationships with the relevant Arcadis functions (SHEQ). Ensure adherence to the compliance requirements including SHEQ, relevant legislation, codes of practice & Arcadis standards. Interface with enabling functions to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. As a key Team member, support & encourage the wider Team including development, innovation & improvement activities, and reviewing/providing feedback in relation to operative requirements and standards. Support workplace projects within the properties as required. Ensure emergency and crisis response arrangements are effectively implemented. Qualifications & experience: Knowledge Sound knowledge of FM/Workplace matters and practices gained by sufficient experience working in a similar environment Experience in FM/Workplace health & safety and environmental compliance activities Experience of FM Workplace contractor management processes Skills and Experience Can inspire, coach, and direct colleagues Takes accountability for a very diverse workload Hands-on experience in a fast-paced FM / workplace operations environment Fluency in written and spoken English (as well as local country language) is essential Excellent communication skills to develop and maintain key relationships across Arcadis and the supply chain Comfortable working independently as well as part of a wider team Excellent customer service skills Developing effective relationships with stakeholders Knowledge of general IT systems and those used in the delivery of Workplace services Personal Attributes Customer focused Able to see the wider Team needs Able to quickly develop internal and external relationships Confident and articulate Able to deal quickly and effectively with issues Will take the initiative and own solutions to completion Flexible and willing to undertake travel within the country and occasionally beyond if required Ability to prioritize and manage own workload Aligned to the Arcadis Leadership model we seek Arcadians with a strong fit to our leadership success profile, to build and drive our culture of inclusion, accountability, human-centricity, and sustainability. Successful Arcadians will possess strong learning agility, combined with a balanced mix of being curious, driving success and igniting passion. Why Arcadis? We can only achieve our goals if each individual has the opportunity to develop to their full potential. The sum of individual contributions then makes the difference. That's why we work with a competency-based approach, where you bring your unique experience and expertise to shape your career. This is how we achieve the greatest possible impact together. Regardless of your position, you'll do meaningful work at Arcadis and contribute to developing sustainable solutions for a more livable planet. Make a difference - for your career, your colleagues, your customers, your life, and the world around you. Joining forces to create a sustainable legacy. Our commitment to equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging We live a corporate culture of openness, inclusion, and appreciation, ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates and employees. We create an environment in which you can develop your personal potential in the best possible way. Join Arcadis. Create a Legacy. 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